All Time Family

Bio of Allen Bell

Snapshot of Bell Family Members
Final NX Assignement-2162
Final Assignement-2201
Ending the Constitution Class Era-2270
Testing the New Engines-2286
Just to Explore-2320
New Galaxy Class -2358
Keeping the Peace-2380
Development of Romulian Ships
Development of Klingon Ships
Uniform Progresstion
Officer Ranks of the Various Times
Marine Corps Ranks
Enlisted Ranks of Various Times
Specs of Various Classes
Lost and/or Destroyed Ships
Personnel Lost in the Line of Duty
Changes and/or Promotions for Personnel
People who left
Shuttles of Various Times
Finally of each Bell Family Member
Links the Adventures and Sites
About the Webmaster

Daedalus Class Starship
USS Freedom NCC-103

Allen was always fascinated with starships and their operations.  His father, Michael Bell served in Starfleet just after the signing of the Federation treaty established.  He grew up on the Planet of Mars and seeing what the Galaxy had.   

He is an only child that didn’t have many friends while growing up.  His mother taught him until he reached the age of 13 and then he went to Earth to go to a public high school.  There he succeeded in pretty much everything.  He was the star athlete in the sports his favorite was track he could run with the best of them.  As he was getting close to graduation he applied for Starfleet academy and with his father being one of the first Captains in Starfleet and the Federation.   

He initially applied for the Marine Corps program but his father convinced him to go into security so that is what Allen did.  His first two years he really struggled with it.  After that he then transferred to the science field. He excelled in the engineering side of science specifically with the new piece of technology called a tractor beam.  While at the academy he studied the new piece of hardware.  Along with that he took courses that could eventually lead to a position of Chief Engineer aboard a starship.  His main area of expertise was the impulse engine operation.  He did his four years studying those things.  He then graduated and was first assigned to the NX Class USS Defiant NX-05.  This was the ship that his father commanded before retiring from Starfleet. Allen was assigned to the Defiant as the impulse engine specialist.  It was his job to keep the impulse engines running smoothly.  He did an exceptional job during his tour with the Defiant he managed to make the impulse engines faster then ever. He was onboard the USS Defiant for four years.  

After that posting he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and sent to the shuttle craft yards on Earth where he managed to make the top speed for shuttle craft to be three quarters impulse instead of just one-quarter impulse power.  After three years at that posting he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and sent to the tractor beam year course in San Francisco.  After the course he was assigned to the new Daedalus Class the USS Daedalus.  It was capable of warp 6.5 and it was the first Federation starship to be equipped with a tractor beam.  LT Bell was able to make it so that the ship could tow another ship of equal mass at the speed of one-half impulse speeds. He had a very unique position on the ship.  He technically fell under the science department, but spent most of his time in main engineering.  After serving that ship for 5 years he was transferred and promoted to Lieutenant Commander to a small low-warp intrepid class starship. He was instrumental in installing a tractor beam on board the Intrepid Class USS London.  In this class it could only hold a vessel it could not tow it at all. 

The Commanding Officer of the USS London recommended that LCDR Bell go to command school.  After serving another year he was then sent to the command school in New Earth on the planet Mars.  After the course he was then assigned to the Academy where for four years he taught tractor beam advanced theory.  He was then promoted to Commander and then assigned to the USS Freedom NCC-103 and served as the tractor beam specialist and as the ships first officer.  He saved a Klingon bird of prey.  That went along way for the treaty that the Federation was attempting to establish.  Also during that time he saved the ship on three separate occasions.  After Allen's commanding officer lost his close friend Captain Bryce Schimer of the USS Essex  CDR Bell was given command of the USS Freedom. Immedatly after that the USS Freedom was sent to the Romulias where they battaled two Romulain Battle Cruisers. He manged to get the ship out of the area.  Once they arrived Commander Bell was given the Medal of Honor and promoted to the rank of Captain. 

After three more years as the Commanding Officer of the USS Freedom Allen was given command of a prototype vessel the new Constitution Class design and the command of the first of the class USS Constitution NCC-1700 He was able to get the tractor beam to handle speeds up to full impulse on the new class of vessel.  He served as the Commanding Officer of the USS Constitution for five years and was made a Commodore and transferred to starbase 185 as the 2nd Fleet Commanding Officer.  Much to his surprise the USS Constitution would be his flag ship for the fleet after another 5 years at that assignment he retired from Starfleet. 

33 years in Starfleet


USS Defiant

USS Daedalus Class
Daedalus Class NX-100

USS London
Low Warp Intrepid Class

USS Freedom

USS Constitution
Constitution Class NCC-1700