All Time Family

Specs of the Constellation Class

Snapshot of Bell Family Members
Final NX Assignement-2162
Final Assignement-2201
Ending the Constitution Class Era-2270
Testing the New Engines-2286
Just to Explore-2320
New Galaxy Class -2358
Keeping the Peace-2380
Development of Romulian Ships
Development of Klingon Ships
Uniform Progresstion
Officer Ranks of the Various Times
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People who left
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Constellation Class
USS Constellation NX-1974

1 Bridge
2 Aft-firing Torpedo launcher, Shuttle deck high-bay 
3 Torpedo magazine, Shuttlebay, shuttle maintenance, pilot ready rooms, senior officers quarters 
4 Dorsal Phaser Banks, Impulse Engines, Deuterium Storage, Officer Quarters 
5 Deuterium Storage, Officer Quarters, Transporter Rooms, Recreation Facilities (incl. holodeck), Computer Core (Level 1) 
6 Sickbay, Crew Quarters, Crew lounges, Computer Core (Level 2) 
7 Crew quarters, Science Labs, Gymnasium Deck 
8 Main Engineering, forward crew lounge (Mess hall), guest quarters 
9 Environmental control, Auxiliary control room 
10 Ventral Phaser Banks, Security offices, Brig 
11 Cargo bays, Deflector systems, Primary sensor arrays 
12 Cargo bays 
13 Forward firing torpedo tubes, torpedo magazine 
14 Torpedo magazine, Aft Phaser bank 
15 Antimatter storage 

USS Constellation