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Specs of the Excelsior Class

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Excelsior Class

Expected Duration: 70 years
Time Between Resupply: 3 years
Time Between Refit: 5 years

Officers: 115
Enlisted Crew: 450
Marines: 96
Passengers: 110

Cruising Velocity: Warp 6
Maximum Velocity: Warp 8.6
Emergency Velocity: Warp 9 (for 12 hours)

Length: 467 metres
Width: 185 metres
Height: 100 metres
Decks: 24

Deck Description
1 Bridge, Captain's Ready Room, Briefing Room 
2 Junior and Senior Officers' Quarters, VIP/Guest Quarters, Holosuite 1, VIP Dining Room, Main Communications Array  
3 Officers' Quarters, Officers' Mess, Holosuites 2 & 3, Upper Impulse Assembly, Main Shield Generators  
4 NCO Quarters, Enlisted Crew Mess, Galley, Lower Impulse Assembly, Fusion Reactors 1-4, Impulse Engines, Transporter Room 1 
5 Main Phaser and Fire Control, Auxiliary Control Room and Support, Engineering Support, Deuterium Storage, Fusion Reactors 5-8, Impulse Engines 
6 Primary Life Support Systems, Primary Computer Core Control, Holodecks 1 and 2, Deuterium Feed Conduits, Deuterium Injectors 
7 Cargo Bays 1 & 2, Cargo Transporters 1 & 2, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer's Office, Primary Science Labs, Counsellor's Office, Main Computer Cores P/S (Level 1), Deuterium Feed Conduits 
8 Main Computer Cores P/S (Level 2), Junior Officers and Crew Quarters, Main Lounge, Secondary Science Labs, Deuterium Feed Conduits, Lateral Sensors 
9 Main Sensor Array, Interconnecting Dorsal/Intermix Shaft/Turbolifts, Armoury, Holding Cells, Chief Tactical Officer's Office, Deuterium Feed Conduits, Secondary Sensor Array 
10 Brig, Transporter Room 2, Interconnecting Dorsal/Intermix Shaft/Turbolifts, Deuterium Storage 
11 Secondary Shuttlebay (Upper), Shuttle Maintenance 1, Cargo Bays 3-6, Cargo Transporter 3, Upper Engineering Support Area, Machine Shop, Deuterium Storage, Nacelle Power Transfer Assembly 
12 Secondary Shuttlebay (Lower), Main Engineering, M/ARA Reaction Assembly, Transporter Room 3, Cargo Transporter 4, Nacelle Power Transfer Assembly, Nacelle Personnel Conduit 
13 Living Quarters, Primary Systems Support Compartment, Secondary Computer Core (Level 1), Emergency Batteries, Enlisted Quarters, Secondary Communications Array 
14 Forward Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Magazines, Cargo Bays 7-9, Cargo Transporter 5, Aft Tractor Emitter, Secondary Computer Core (Level 2), Reserve Deuterium Storage 
15 Auxiliary Deflector Control, Aft Phaser and Torpedo Weapon Control, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Magazine, Antimatter Injectors, Secondary Computer Core (Level 3), Gravimetric Polaron Generators 
16 Maintenance Bay 1, Emergency Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Enlisted Quarters 
17 Main Shuttlebay (Upper), Stellar Cartography, Enlisted Quarters, Recreation Deck/Zero-G Gymnasium, Crew Lounge 
18 Main Shuttlebay (Middle), Deflector Control, Main Navigational Deflector, Primary and Emergency Deflector Dish Graviton Polarity Generators, Subspace Field Distortion Generators 
19 Main Shuttlebay (Lower), Shuttle Maintenance 2, Shuttle Storage, Cargo Transporter 6 Living Quarters 
20 Maintenance Bay 2, Living Quarters, Tertiary Multi-purpose Laboratories, Emergency Transporter Rooms 3 & 4 
21 Emergency Fusion Power Generators 1 & 2, Environmental Control, Living Quarters 
22 Emergency Fusion Power Generators 3 & 4, Emergency Batteries, Waste Recycling, Secondary Shield Generators 
23 Antimatter Storage Tanks, Antimatter Fill Port, Emergency Gravimetric Polaron Generators 
24 Antimatter Generator, Tractor Beam Generator, Main Tractor Beam Assembly 

Escelsior Class